Members of the Commission

The panel of the CMEC consists of 13 members. The founding parties appoint the chairman, who must be an independent personality and the nine of the members, coming from the Association of Newspapers and Periodicals Publishers, the owners of private Electronic Media, the Cyprus Union o Journalists and the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation. These 10 members choose from among the general public the other three members, who must be known for their integrity and their interest in community affairs.

Elli Kodjamani


Elli Kodjamani


-With three decades of experience as a journalist in print, electronic an online media, she is the News Director of ANT1 since February 2010, when she took over as the first woman in a similar position in Cyprus.

-Having studied Journalism, she is also collaborating with the Journalism Department of KES College, since 2001, teaching various courses. She has served as Secretary of the Union of Cyprus Journalists, as well as a Member of the Steering Committee of the European Federation of Journalists.

-She is a volunteer in various organizations and has been involved, both in Cyprus and abroad, with gender issues and the empowerment of young women, human rights issues, as well as ethics and copyright.

Xenia Xenophontos

Vice Chairwoman

Xenia Xenofontos

Vice Chairwoman

Xenia Xenofontos has been working in the Media industry for the past 20 years, where she held the positions of Executive Producer TV programs, Editor and Editor in Chief of various magazines and of the Director of news portal from 2013 - 2016. Up to 2018 she was the Media Director of Digital Tree e-Publishers where she now holds the position of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director. From 2015 - 2021, she was the President of the Cyprus Online Publishers Association where now is a member of the Board of Directors. She is also a member of the Cyprus Journalists Ethics Committee and member of the Board of Directors of AIPFE Cyprus- Women of Europe.

Tonia Stavrinou


Tonia Stavrinou


Tonia Stavrinou is a journalist, working for Phileleftheros publishing group, since 1998. In recent years she has been writing for the magazines Omikron and Down Town. She also writes a weekly column for the Saturday edition of the newspaper.

She represents Cyprus in the Journalists Thematic Network of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE - since 2012.

She was a board member of the Cyprus Family Planning Association (CFPA) from 2013 until 2019.

She has been a board member of the Union of Cyprus Journalists since 2019 and represents the organization in the Journalistic Ethics Committee since 2020.

Harris Nikolaides


Harris Nicolaides


- Works as CFO at Politis Newspaper media group.

- He holds a BSC Economics degree from UCL (University College London) and a Master’s degree in Finance from Imperial College London .

- As a member of the CMEC he is representing the Publishers Association.

Varvara Argyrou


Varvara Argyrou


-Κατέχει πτυχίο Νομικών Επιστημών, Σχολή Νομικών, Οικονομικών & Πολιτικών Επιστημών, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης.

- Έχει αποκτήσει άδεια άσκησης του δικηγορικού επαγγέλματος το 2002 και εργάστηκε ως δικηγόρος σε ιδιωτικό δικηγορικό γραφείο στη Λευκωσία.

- Νομικός Σύμβουλος εταιρειών Μέσων Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης, Φιλελεύθερος Δημόσια Εταιρεία Λίμιτεδ, Ραδιοτηλεοπτική Εταιρεία Ελληνική Ηχω Λιμιτεδ, Diastasis F.M. Limited, Ma&CA Entertainment Limited, Proteas Press Limited κ.α . Προηγουμένως

-Συμμετέχει στην Επιτροπή Δημοσιογραφικής Δεοντολογίας ως μέλος, εκπροσωπώντας τον Σύνδεσμο Εκδοτών Εφημερίδων και Περιοδικών Κύπρου.

- Συμμετέχει σε Διοικητικά Συμβούλια εταιρειών Μέσων Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης.

Katerina Nicolaou


Katerina Nikolaou


… is a civil society representative and participates in the Cyprus Media Ethics Committee due to her involvement as a volunteer in organizations such as Cyprus Family Planning Association (CFPA) and the Cyprus Women’s Lobby (CWL). Passionate about media ethics she is currently working as a Press Officer, media specialist, with extensive and multifaceted exposure to communication issues, journalism, writing, editing and volunteerism. Expertise in matters of communication strategy training, in the elaboration, implementation and monitoring of communication campaign projects and in communication crisis management.

Froso Violari


Φρόσω Βιολάρη


-Εργάζεται ως δημοσιογράφος στο Συγκρότημα ΔΙΑΣ. Κατέχει τα τελευταία 2 χρόνια τη θέση της Αρχισυντάκτριας του SigmaLive, όπου εργάζεται τα τελευταία 7 χρόνια. Προηγουμένως είχε διατελέσει Αρχισυντάκτρια στο στον όμιλο Spp Media.

- Είναι κάτοχος πτυχίου Πολιτικών Επιστημών και Ιστορίας από το Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών και μεταπτυχιακού τίτλου Ευρωπαϊκής Δημοσιογραφίας από το ΤΕΠΑΚ.

Michalis Papaevagorou


Michalis Papaevagorou


  • He is a graduate of the Drama School of the National Theater. He worked as an actor and director in Greece and Cyprus.
  • From 1986 to 1991 he worked as a correspondent for the newspaper "Eleftherotypia" in Limassol.
  • He was a member of the Board of the Limassol Theatrical Development Company. He was also a member of the Board of the Cyprus Actors Association and alternate member of the Board of the Cyprus Writers' Union.
  • In 1991 he created Kanali 9.86, now Kanali 6, which he still manages today.
  • As a member of the CMEC, he is representing the private Radio stations.

Sotiris Paroutis


Σωτήρης Παρούτης


  • He works as a journalist-presenter (show "AIXMES") on the television channel OMEGA.
  • He had previously worked in radio and newspapers.
  • He had collaborated for 18 years (1990-2008) with the Third Program of CyBC (radio show "Proino Dromologio").
  • He had worked for 20 years in the newspaper "POLITIS" (1999-2019), where he had been for many years one of two chief editors (2003-2019).
  • He is a graduate of the Department of Geology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Participates in the Journalistic Ethics Committee as a member (nominated by the Union of Editors).

Demetris Parperis


Dimitris Parperis


- Works as a psychologist at the “ITHAKI” Centre for Prevention and Counselling, and the “Orpia” Centre. Additionally, he collaborates with “KENTHEA” where he functions as a Prevention Expert and with the Family Planning Association where he is a Trainer.

- He holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a master’s in Counselling Psychology. He has been trained in Online Counselling and has extended experience in addiction issues and in issues of healthy relationships, sexuality, and sexual health.

- He is participating at the Cyprus Media Ethics Council as a member representing Civil Society. He is a long-term Volunteer for the Cyprus Family Planning Association and has volunteered in a number of other organisations and National Boards.

Dimitris Trimithiotis


Dimitris Trimithiotis


-Dimitris Trimithiotis is a lecturer in Journalism and Media at the Department of Social & Political Sciences of the University of Cyprus.

-He holds a PhD from Aix-Marseille University, France (2013). His research is mainly located in the fields of sociology of news, media discourse and political communication.

-As a member of the CMEC he is representing the civil society

Μιχάλης Ιακωβίδης


Michalis Iakovides


Εργάζεται ως Διευθυντής Επιχειρήσεων στην Neo Cymed Publishing.Ltd. Προηγουμένως κατείχε τη θέση του Διευθύνων Συμβούλου στο Πρακτορείου Διανομής Τύπου Hellenic Distribution Agency Ltd.

Κατέχει πτυχίο BA Economics του Πανεπιστημίου West London University.

Συμμετέχει στην Επιτροπή Δημοσιογραφικής Δεοντολογίας ως μέλος, εκπροσωπώντας τον Σύνδεσμο Εκδοτών Κύπρου.

Miranda Christou


Miranda Christou


  • Miranda Christou is Associate Professor in Sociology of Education, Department of Education, University of Cyprus. She is also a UNESCO Co-Chair on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.
  • She has a doctoral degree from Harvard University (USA, 2002). Her research interests center around issues of gender, nationalism and the far right.
  • She serves on the Cyprus Committee on Media Ethics as a representative of Civil Society.

Christos Christofides


Christos Christofides


- Μέχρι το 2017 εργαζόταν στο Τμήμα Διόρθωσης/Επιμέλειας της εφημερίδας «Ο Φιλελεύθερος». Τώρα είναι συνταξιούχος.

- Συμμετέχει στην Επιτροπή Δημοσιογραφικής Δεοντολογίας από το 2007 ως μέλος, εκ μέρους της Ένωσης Συντακτών Κύπρου, της οποίας μέχρι τον Δεκέμβριο του 2019 ήταν γενικός γραμματέας. Είναι μέλος του Συμβουλίου Φύλου της Διεθνούς Ομοσπονδίας Δημοσιογράφων και μέλος του Experts Council του διεθνούς δημοσιογραφικού διαγωνισμού Fetisov Journalism Awards. Εκπροσώπησε την ΕΔΔ σε σε συνέδρια της AIPCE το 2012, το 2016 και το 2017.

Nikolas Zannettos


Νικόλας Ζαννέττος


  • Currently holding the title of Digital Channels Manager at Alpha Media Group Cyprus, he has previously served as a journalist, political reporter and Chief Editor in print, electronic and online media. He began his career at Dias Publishing Group in 2011 and he then moved to Alpha Cyprus in 2016.
  • He holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Journalism from University of Central Lancashire and a Master’s Degree in Web Journalism from University of Sheffield.
  • He serves as Vice President of the Cyprus Organization of Online Publishers. He is an alumni of the IVLP US State Department program for journalists and he participated in a series of EU seminars for combating disinformation and fake news. As a journalist he has covered dozens of press missions abroad, including the last round of negotiations for the Cyprus Problem in Switzerland.