The Cyprus Committee of Media Ethics is an independent press council, responsible for the self-regulation of the news media, both written and electronic

The Commission

The Cyprus Media Complaints Commission is an independent press council, responsible for the self-regulation of the news media, both written and electronic.

It is entirely free from government interference or judicial supervision, ensuring that through self-regulation freedom of the press is maintained, standards of conduct are raised and the members of the public are given the opportunity to lodge their grievances against the media when they feel they have been offended


The Code of Practice

The Code of Practice defines the duties and rights of journalists and covers the following topics:

  • the accuracy of information
  • the right to rebuttal
  • the right to privacý
  • conduct in hospitals
  • human pain and grief
  • obtaining information by dubious means
  • copyright
  • bribery-receiving gifts
  • presumption of innocence
  • sexual crimes
  • children
  • discrimination
  • economic benefits
  • journalistic confidentiality
  • public interest.